“White Power” and Death

The weekend just ended will go down in local history as one that many will want to forget, but in fact it’s one that should always be remembered.

First, however let’s make one point clear for the record and for those living a distance away. The gathering of a small group of people who are white faced and profess to belong to the “master race” did not hold their meeting in Provost. It was held several miles west of town. Provost or any of its officials did not host the event. None were pleased to see it in their midst.

The reason why such an incident should be remembered is that atrocities of Hitler’s war on humanity, specifically against Jews, Gypsies, Masons and others who were the “wrong” colour or religious belief — must never be repeated.

The people who congregated west of here from points mainly unknown in Alberta and Saskatchewan, although holding shotguns were not fearful. It was the ideas being promoted that are fearsome. They do, of course get to hold on to their views, however distasteful, but the rest of the general public get to display their views as well. And we’re proud to say that many of them did — from school students to other members of the community at large who organized protests, to a death camp survivor and a veteran from Calgary who drove here by himself.

In this community, there are now grandchildren of those who went to fight Hitler. Personal memories of the war of 50 years ago are beginning to grow dim and radicals again question if a Holocaust was even held. This is exactly the reason why incidents held over the weekend should be talked about, discussed and dissected, so that the new generation can see the truth, instead of hearing tiresome slogans.

No one knows exactly how many people died in the terrible Holocaust in WWII. Numbers are not the issue in this editorial. Even if only one man, woman, or child is gassed or persecuted simply because he or she is not affiliated with the people professing “white power”, another crime is recorded.

See you on November 11.

Rich Holmes
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