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March 16, 2011
There it Goes
Provost Blades Trevor Chopek (number 39) gets the first goal of the senior hockey game when the Sedgewick Sabres hockey club was in town on Friday night, March 11. The home squad went on for a 5-2 win and then travelled to Sedgewick the next night—where they won 4-3—in overtime. Provost advanced to the final league series against Daysland. ©Provost News Photo.
Sign Language Helps Babies, Parents Communicate
A course being taught in Provost is helping babies and pre-schoolers communicate with their parents before two-way speech is developed.

The weekly course of two classess is being held at the Legion Hall once a week for six weeks and is designed for babies and children three months to 18 or 24 months old.

The sessions are based on the standard American Sign Language (ASL) hand signals along with some body language and facial gestures.

Each lesson is 45 minutes long.

Hired to teach the course is 32 year old Provost resident Melissa Erickson who is a speech language pathologist. She learned about baby signing when earning her Masters degree at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She recalls at that time that she thought when she had children in the future she wanted to do this. She now does have children and she’s doing it.

She also has a four year bachelors degree in kinesiology in addition to the two year masters degree. After her education Erickson worked for four years in Detroit as a speech pathologist and then in Provost as a private speech pathologist contractor for two and one half years before she was hired by Alberta Health Services in town two months ago.

The current sign language class is a co-operative session of Provost and District FCSS’s Parent Link and Alberta Health Services.

Provost News: What does this do for the child when he or she begins to figure it out and use it?
Melissa Erickson: It really helps decrease frustration because the babies are able to “say” exactly what they want. They are able to communicate in more detail than without it.

PN: Are there other advantages?
ME: There have been some studies that show the classes increase language skills later in school.

PN: When was the first lesson and will there be more?
ME: The first lesson this year was March 1 and if more interest is shown more classes could be set up.

Complete story in March 16 edition of The Provost News.
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Firemen Meet at Provost to Set Up Regional Training
A new regional fire training group for the east central region is being set up with discussions and plans held on Saturday, March 12 at the Provost fire hall.

Don Rosland from the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) Camrose office invited 36 area fire departments to the five hour planning session to organize the training group.

The Camrose office will oversee the new group.

Jason Abrey of the AEMA’s Lethbridge office also attended. Lethbridge already has an area training group organized.

Complete story in March 16 edition of The Provost News.
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Street Spokesman
This week we ask: "It’s Time to Talk to the Animals During Ag. Week: What’s Your Favourite Food?"
. . . and we heard answers from Captain Jack, Rotag, Big Mama and Seehund. Check out the March 16 edition of The Provost News for their answers.
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This, along with many other stories and pictures can be found in this week's edition of The Provost News.
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